Education | Schools | Colleges | Related Areas Clients and/or Projects:
Carlson Learning Company
Department of Design, Housing and Apparel, University of Minnesota
Eagle Bend School District 790
Itasca Community College
Midwest Association of Colleges and Employers
University of Minnesota Alumni Association
University Without Walls
Notes: Names listed above may be brands, trademarks or trade names of respective clients. Clients listed have used design by Patrick Redmond at some time since 1966 (when he began working in the field). Projects varied from client to client. Some clients required extensive brand, trademark and corporate graphic identity design while others may have needed a simple brochure. Regarding role(s) in respective projects: Patrick Redmond was either the sole designer/art director, the principal or lead designer/art director, co-designer, or design team member, either as an independent designer, through his own firm (including other "Redmond" business names), or as an employee of various corporate or institutional entities. Detailed information re: specific projects available by contacting Patrick Redmond,